The term EIR stands for Equipment Interchange Receipt.
An EIR is created every time a load or piece of equipment changes hands from one link of the supply chain to the next. From the steamship to the dock, to the trucker, to the customer’s receiving dock, an new EIR is documented at every hand-off.
Today, an EIR may come in many different forms. At sophisticated ports and rail terminals, EIRs are recorded electronically with codes in a handheld computer system. Most other exchange points still use triplicate paper forms that are hand-written. These documents can be prone to errors, especially when documenting any damage with hand-drawn sketches.
To revolutionize the industry, we added photos and blockchain technology to the process and put it all into an easy-to-use tool called Photector.
Photos capture equipment condition more accurately than sketches. With Photector, you can zoom in the photo on any part of the container to see the exact damage and the size of the cut or scrape.
With this cutting-edge technology, you can quickly and easily take photo documentation with time, date and location stamps automatically included. This settles disputes fast without arguments or confusion.
This 52-second video explains how.
Test drive Photector with a 14-day FREE Trial and schedule a 1-on-1 demonstration and see for yourself how easy the tool works to capture EIRs.